Friday 24 February 2017

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MamaMia Themed on-line magazine about style and fashion welcome to get acquainted with the materials and articles about contemporary fashion. Our photos will brighten up the reading process and give pleasure. Our site is updated regularly and we post new articles and photos. Abscent Between you and me, I advise you to try to look in google HMG See. see all. too exaggerated, but cool))) Addicted But lets argue a different opinion although I liked the article. sergey-371 Wash the meaning sucked from head to toe, the man tried, for which he thankyou s-tigra Cheers, the one who wrote nishtyak written 8 of 10 on the basis of 33958 ReviewDollar - Can the Rally Last Through Jobs Report Will the FOMC, Q1 GDP Bring the Dollar Back to Losing Status The US dollar staged a massive comeback last week as US economic data indicated that, while conditions remain dismal, they arent quite as bad as expected. First, the Richmond Fed index only fell to 0 from 6, versus expectations of a drop to -1, while existing home sales slipped 2.0 percent. Next, the headline reading of the Commerce Departments durable goods orders report contracted for the third consecutive month during March, due largely to declines in demand for transportation and defense goods. However, the markets took their cue from the durable goods orders excluding transportation reading, as the index surged 1.5 percent and helped to keep the US dollar rally alive. Looking ahead to this week, Tuesdays economic data will likely highlight some of the reasons why traders are ramping up speculation that the country is in midst of a recession. Indeed, the SPCase-Schiller index of home prices is likely to fall sharply for the fourteenth consecutive month. Later in the morning, the Conference Boards consumer confidence index is forecasted to fall to a five year low of 62.0 from 64.5, which wont be entirely surprising as rocketing food and energy prices combined with the collapse of the US housing sector and tightening credit conditions have sparked widespread pessimism throughout the financial markets. On Wednesday morning, highly anticipated Q1 GDP figures will be released, and a Bloomberg News poll of economists reflects consensus estimates for a 0.3 percent gain. However, these could be rather optimistic expectations, as there is a good possibility that GDP could actually fall negative. Nevertheless, the markets response may be muted as the FOMC rate decision will come at 14:15 EST and the Bank is forecasted to cut the fed funds rate by 25bps to 2.00 percent. However, the vote for the March reduction in the fed funds rate had two dissenters, both of whom voted in favor of less aggressive policy given upside inflation risks, and futures are now only pricing in a 75 percent chance of a 25bp rate cut and a 25 percent chance of no change in policy. The odds are certainly in favor of more accommodative policy, but if the concurrent policy statement suggests that the FOMC may not cut rates again at their next meeting, the US dollar could actually rally. The latter part of the week will see both ISM Manufacturing and Non-farm Payrolls, though the employment data will likely be the bigger market-mover. NFPs are expected to fall negative for the fourth consecutive month, indicating that consumer spending will continue to deteriorate as record high energy and food prices sap disposable income. TB Visit our recently updated EURUSD Currency Room for more resources dedicated to the US Dollar. Euro Will CPI Data Lead the ECBs Hawkish Bias to Fade The Euro tacked on hefty losses last week amidst a rebound in the greenback and disappointing German IFO survey results. The measurement of German business confidence fell for the first time in four months, and led the euro to break below support at 1.58 within minutes. Indeed, rising energy and food costs, a strong regional currency, and tight credit conditions have dimmed the outlook for Europes biggest economy. Furthermore, ECB Governing Council member Michael Bonello killed the notion that every ECB member is hawkish, as he said during an interview with Reuters I think current interest rates are sufficient for the medium-term strategy. I do not think that there is anyone who is considering higher interest rates. Looking ahead to this week, EURUSD price action will likely be contingent more upon US data rather than European releases. Nevertheless, it will be worth watching the figures scheduled to hit the wires on Wednesday. The Euro-zones unemployment rate is anticipated to hold steady, but consumer, economic, industrial, and business confidence are all expected to fall lower, much like weve seen in Germanys IFO and ZEW sentiment reports. Surely the worsening status of the credit markets and rocketing commodity prices are creating less-than-optimal conditions for consumers and businesses alike. However, the key figure to watch will be the estimate for Euro-zone CPI in April. The index is forecasted to ease back to 3.4 percent from 3.5 percent, and if this is in fact the case, traders may quickly judge that the ECB will not continue to hold a firmly hawkish stance. Furthermore, if growth and sentiment gauges prove to be extremely disappointing, the markets may go so far as to consider the potential for a rate cut by the ECB when they meet again on May 8. TB Visit our recently updated EURUSD Currency Room for more resources dedicated to the Euro. Yens Bullish Trend In Jeopardy As The Tides Of Risk Sentiment Change There was a significant slate of Japanese economic data crossing the wires last week, but the dockets collective influence on the yen would ultimately be redirected by a broad shift in risk appetite. Though lagging economic indicators around the world continue to show the malignant influence of the credit crisis, there has been a subtle yet notable shift in the markets concern over the ongoing crunch. Investors were clearly on the hunt for yield last week with global equities rallying (the Nikkei 225 hit a two month high through Fridays session), Japanese government bond yields surging and all yen-based currency crosses testing recent highs. However, the yen would ultimately fall short of setting new multi-month lows against its major counterparts suggesting hesitancy in taking outright risk. The true turn will likely be held off until it is clear that monetary policy makers efforts to thaw the credit freeze through new liquidity schemes is paying off and banks are once again confident enough to lend without stifling haircuts and stringent requirements. Despite the broad gravity that risk appetite continues to hold over the Japanese currency, there were a number of indicators that came across the wires last week that have altered the outlook for the domestic growth and interest rates. The biggest fundamental mover proved to be the consumer inflation reading for March. Just a few months ago, price indicators were third tier market movers offering firm support to dovish rate watchers but conditions have changed rather quickly. Last month, the annualized reading of national CPI accelerated to a 1.2 percent clip its highest in a decade. While a quick glance at the components clearly shows that the pressure is primarily from volatile food and energy prices (the core figure is a meager 0.1 percent), the figures are still a problem for policy makers. In fact, in response to the inflation data, JGB yields marked their biggest drop in five years. Whats more, the high level of inflation may finally mix with accelerating growth to require a policy shift from the BoJ. While many indicators are still pointing to slower growth, the leading economic indicators composite (used to forecast growth over the coming two quarters) rose for the fifth consecutive month to a new seven month high. For the coming week, yen traders will have to stay on top of both risk trends and Japanese data. A close eye needs to be kept on the developments in the credit market to gauge whether lending is truly thawing. However, is not likely to come from any specific, economic announcement or indicator. Traders can more accurately react to the scheduled listings on the fundamental docket. The action begins early with the retail sales numbers for March. With consumer confidence at a five-year low, the outlook is not bright. The next string of releases hits early in the Asian session on Wednesday. Employment numbers and household spending will gauge consumer health, industrial production will monitor the business group and the BoJ rate decision will offer insight into the new policy boards rate stance. JK BoE Mortgage Bailout Sparks Week Of Volatility The Pound saw another week of volatility as a BoE mortgage bailout plan, minutes from the MPCs last rate decision. retail sales and first quarter GDP all influenced price action. The week started with the confirmation of the central banks plan to trade 50 billion in treasuries for mortgage back securities, that combined with a 12 billion rights issue by RBS spooked the markets and led to the cable falling. Then sterling bulls grab momentum on the back of record oil prices and inflation concerns, until the dovish minutes from the MPCs meeting thwarted the rally. Governor King and the other voting members were far from a consensus with a 6-2-1 vote. Perennial dove David Blanchflower voted for a 50 point cut, while hawks Andrew Sentence and Tim Besley voted for rates to remain unchanged. Retail sales declined 0.4 in March, for the first time in three months, but an upward revision to the month prior left traders confused, before the week ended with the cable finding support as Q1 GDP printed inline at 0.4. Although, the U. K. economy grew at its slowest pace in three years, it was a relief to traders who were in a doomsday mindset. The picture for the British economy was starting to look gloomy as fears were heightened that the credit crisis was taking a bigger toll on the economy than had been expected, when the BoE warned that consumer spending and investment would continue to be impacted. The remarks combined with the mortgage bailout had traders speculating that several rate cuts may be needed to stabilize the housing sector and fuel future growth. Despite, retail sales and growth slowing the results were inline with prevailing expectations that the country was in a downturn but were far rosier than recent worries of the worse case scenario. The Sterling has been trading in the wide range between 1.960 and 2.00 for nearly a month. The U. K. picture is so closely tied to the U. S. that neither side has been able to grab momentum. This week may offer the same volatility with the U. S. having the far more market moving data on the calendar. However, the U. K. docket will provide further clues to the state of the economy with consumer confidence. distributive trades and PMI construction on tap. The most event risk potential will come from PMI Manufacturing, if the U. K. producers have weakened more than expected it may lead to the cable breaking below the lower band of the current trading range. JR Risk Appetite Sends Franc To Two Month Lows Despite Strong Data Like the Japanese yen, price action in the Swiss franc was dominated by a rebound in risk acceptance. The currencys correlation to yield appetite forced USDCHF to clear a range high, sending the pair to a near two month high near 1.04. Many of the Swissie crosses experienced moves of a similar magnitude including GBPCHF, EURCHF, AUDCHF and oddly enough CHFJPY. The drop in the yen-denominated pair is particularly interesting considering the Japanese currency is often considered the true proxy for risk. Over the past few weeks there has been a subtle shift in investor sentiment. Libor rates have eased, risk premium in default insurance and junk bonds has dropped and equities have rallied. This may be a sign that the cumulative efforts from central banks around the world is starting to take root. Just this past week, the Bank of England announced a new liquidity scheme that was similar to the Feds recent TSLF offering but in addition to increasing the size of the injection and expanding the acceptable list of collateral to include mortgage-backed assets, the policy body took the additional step of extending the period of the loans to one year (with a possibility for extensions up to three years) a necessary step to truly revive confidence in the credit market. Looking to the epicenter of the financial market crisis (the US), there are clear signs that the global endeavor is truly boosting investor and lender confidence. From the benchmark Treasury market, we have seen the biggest back to back weekly drop in two-year not prices since last 2001. Whats more, a recent auction for five-year paper saw the weakest demand since 2003. Both of these events suggests liquidity is more prevalent in the market. And, further showing a rebound in liquidity is sparking a demand for risk and yield, net corporate debt creation surged to 43.3 billion last week the greatest demand on record (spurred by the greatest yields since 2001). Outside the long-term ebb and flow of risk sentiment, this past weeks Swiss economic docket offered a list of indicators that was purely supported of higher Swiss rates and a strong franc. The upstream producer and inflation price index for March started things off with the greatest annualized price pressures in 19-years. The caveat though was, like many other countrys, the Swiss number was largely based on high energy and raw material costs. From the growth side of things, the first quarter reading of the Real Estate Index reported its strongest reading since 1992, countering a global trend towards deflating housing markets. Finally, even trade activity was strong. Demand from the Euro-Zone and Asia was countering record high franc and further sent exports for their biggest jump in over a year. Over the days ahead, the economic calendar will no doubt take a back seat to the fickle state of global credit and financial markets and the heavy-hitting US numbers will almost certainly have a weighted impact on risk appetite. When the currency market has time, however, the Swiss docket could have its way with price action. Staggered releases will cover the consumer, business activity and the outlook for the economy. The UBS consumer consumption indicator and SVME PMI are considered leading numbers. The KOF indicator composite however will a forecasted drop to a new two and a half year low a dour outlook for health of the economy and the franc. JK Bank of Canada Cuts Rates as Growth Prospects Falter Canadian data followed a predictable trajectory last week. The Bank of Canada cut interest rates by 50 basis points as projected. Canadian inflation fell to just 1.4 in March, the slowest since January of last year. The BoC targets 2, so the current lack of upside price pressure gives the bank substantial room to ease borrowing costs as sagging demand in the United States weighs on the export sector. The statement accompanying the release was decidedly dovish, stating that a protracted slowdown in the US will have direct consequences for the Canadian economic outlook, with declining exports projected to exert a significant drag on growth in 2008. All signs point to the conclusion that further rate cuts ought to be expected going forward. Wednesdays Retail Sales data for March validated the BoCs assertions, showing contraction of -0.7 versus expectations of a 0.3 increase. This served to erode some confidence in ability of the domestic market to continue to act as a pillar of stability amid US-influenced declines in external demand. A BoC Monetary Policy report released on Thursday saw GDP growth forecasts slashed to 1.4 for this year, the slowest rate in 16 years. This week will offer little by way of new insights, with February GDP figures the only significant item on the calendar. All signs point to a contraction, lending further credence to the current bearish bias. With nearly 80 of exports headed for US markets, the fate of the Canadian economy is firmly locked with that of its southern neighbor. USDCAD rose for much of the week, with more in the same direction likely going forward. IS Australian Interest Rates to Remain on Hold as Inflation Surges Australian data was focused on inflation last week, with Producer Prices for the first quarter starting things off with a printing at a record 1.9. Predictably, prices for imported crude materials led the rise with an impressive 12.4 growth since a year ago on the back of the global rally in commodities. New Motor Vehicle sales offered a moderately supportive assessment of domestic demand as the metric swung back to positive territory to growth of 1 in March following a decline of -2.4 in February. The Australian economy is expected to slow under the weight of record-high interest rates, but a willingness by consumers to purchase big-ticket items such as automobiles may offer hope for an orderly easing in the pace of growth. First quarter Consumer Prices figures rounded out the week, surging to 4.2 from a year ago. Aside from rising energy and fuel costs that have been pushing up inflation globally, Australias tight labor market was an important contributing factor to the buoyant reading. Growing demand for mining exports from emerging markets (notably China) have moved Australian firms to hire aggressively, stretching the available labor force and bidding up wages. With inflation at current levels, the Reserve Bank of Australia has virtually no scope to cut interest rates in the near term. On balance, an inherent lag in seeing the effects of monetary policy in the real economy means growth will continue to ease following the RBAs aggressive posture last year. To that effect, Governor Glenn Stevens and company are likely to remain on the sidelines as they wait to see if expansion slows substantially enough to contain price growth. Next weeks calendar is light on data, with March New Home Sales and Retail Sales amounting to the only substantial releases. Home Sales is meant to offer a reading on Australian consumers willingness to shell out for big-ticket items and take on debt. The metric is very volatile however, losing -5.3 in February but gaining 11.3 the month before. Traders would be wise to take this data with a grain of salt. Retail Sales offers a clearer picture, with another negative posting amounting to the third consecutive month of contraction in domestic demand. All things considered however, even a broadly negative result would not detract from Aussie dollar bulls long term conviction as Australian monetary authorities are among the farthest from cutting interest rates across the G7. With more rate cuts in the cards for North America and an increasingly moderating bias in the UK and Europe, the Australian dollar will continue to offer a lucrative yield advantage that is likely to take the currency higher across key pairings. - IS New Zealand Dollar Drops on Worsening RBNZ Interest Rate Forecasts The New Zealand dollar slipped against its resurgent US namesake, as a deterioration in risk sentiment and outlook for domestic yields forced further losses across all NZD pairs. A Reserve Bank of New Zealand interest rate decision sunk forecasts for interest rates in the small Asia-Pacific economy, as increasingly dovish official rhetoric suggests that the RBNZ may look to ease monetary policy sooner than previously anticipated. The bank left its Overnight Cash Rate unchanged for its sixth consecutive meeting, and its attached statement suggested that more markedly weakening economic activity would limit the need for tighter policy in the foreseeable future. Officials cited sharp falls in consumer and business sentiment, tighter credit conditions, housing market deterioration, weaker prospects for global growth, and an ongoing drought as clear headwinds to further economic expansion. The dizzying list of risks to New Zealand demand was somewhat offset by a strong labor market, but it remains clear that momentum remains weighed to the downside for overall growth. The dovish tone surrounding growth outlook was summarily offset by officials hawkish stance on short-term price pressures, however exceedingly high CPI inflation figures threaten to derail inflation expectations and longer term price stability. Given such an environment, the bank stands to leave its short-term policy rate unchanged for a time yet. Yet even here, these words represent a notably dovish turn from the phrase significant time yet used in the banks previous statement. The clear shift made for near-instantaneous losses in New Zealand dollar pairs, and an ongoing adjustment in risky asset classes only exacerbated Kiwi weakness. The week ahead promises comparatively little New Zealand economic event risk, but a highly-anticipated US Federal Reserve interest rate announcement will almost certainly drive volatility in the global carry trade. Given equity markets extreme sensitivity to the Feds actions and statements, outlook for the New Zealand dollar may very well depend on whether or not the planned rate announcement will force further declines in world stock prices. Volatility in the US Dow Jones Industrial Average has fallen significantly through short-term trade, but there is a clear sense of unease across risky asset classes traders are unsure of whether to believe that the worst of financial market turmoil is over. Any sign of trouble may bring swift declines in stocks and high-yielding currencies, and as such, NZD traders should keep a close eye out for the upcoming Fed announcement. Otherwise, it will be important to watch the results of Mondays New Zealand Trade Balance report and the following days Building Permits survey. - DR Let us know what you think - email the DailyFX team about this or other articles at researchdailyfx DailyFX provides forex news and technical analysis on the trends that influence the global currency markets. SNBomb 8211 Reactions from 75 forex brokers The shock move from the Swiss National Bank has significantly impacted foreign exchange and also foreign exchange brokers. We already noted how such events are tests for brokers. And now, here is a round up reactions (updated) This is only a partial list giving you an idea of the range of responses: from making profits business as usual, through taking losses, revisiting positions, suffering capital shortfalls and up to outright insolvencies. Here goes: There are quite a few brokers that suffered losses, several others that have CHF trading suspended and many saying 8220business as usual8221. OANDA and Dukascopy stand out by forgiving negative equity. Opinion: All brokers should forgive negative balances and even further Forex traders should not lose more than they deposit Here is the updated list, now in alphabetical order for your convenience: ActivTrades . 8220no negative impact8221. The company took measures: 8220Back in November 2014, ActivTrades had already anticipated the possibility of such events. Consequently, we decided at the time to increase the margin required on our CHF pairs by a multiple of 16. Thanks to this measure ActivTrades was able to protect its clients by substantially limiting their losses. Hence by protecting our clients interests, we protected the interests of the company as a whole8221 Admiral Markets Group . 8220the effect is limited8221 but CEO Dimitry LAush also told FM that 8220Further trade execution adjustments are likely to be processed on some client accounts as well as Admiral Markets accounts held with its counterparties8221. ADS Securities . 8220record trading day8221 and business as usual, forgiving negative rates. Advanced Markets . 8220able to mitigate the losses8221. From Forex Magnates: 8220Weve spent the last 24 hours dealing with all of our client relationships and liquidity partners, said Anthony Brocco, Executive Chairman, Advanced Markets Ltd. We came through this period of unprecedented volatility cleanly and were on very solid ground and expect zero or minimal client losses.. Alpari RU . relatively unaffected, removes minimum deposit requirements on all trading accounts from January 21st. Alpari UK . The firm has not yet entered insolvency (updated) . Here is the original statement:The recent move on the Swiss franc caused by the Swiss National Banks unexpected policy reversal of capping the Swiss franc against the euro has resulted in exceptional volatility and extreme lack of liquidity. Dies hat dazu geführt, dass die Mehrheit der Kunden Verluste erleidet, die ihr Kontoguthaben überschritten haben. Wenn ein Kunde diesen Verlust nicht abdecken kann, wird er an uns weitergegeben. Dies hat Alpari (UK) Limited dazu gebracht, heute, 160115, zu bestätigen, dass es Insolvenz eingegangen ist. Retail client funds continue to be segregated in accordance with FCA rules. And this has been updated to say that Alpari UK has NOT entered formal insolvency process 8211 sale on the cards. And yet another update: UK unit scrambling for sale Japanese unit asks clients to withdraw funds. And now, FXCM could be the buyer of Alpari UK. Quite amazing if this really happens. At the moment it is denied. And now, the WSJ reports that Pepperstone may buy Alpari UK. Update: Alpari UK enters administration after no buyers found. Yet another update: There are already 5 suitors for Alpari UK Avatrade . 8220no material effect8221. The broker says: 8220Avatrade is pleased to confirm that yesterdays SNB statement and Swiss Franc volatility had no material effect on the companies strong financial position8221. Update: Thanks to reader Emil, we now know of a note they sent to clients about execution of EURCHF at 1.0450: 8220As you probably know, the Swiss National Bank removed the floor of 1.20 on the EURCHF yesterday at 9:30 GMT. Following the announcement, there was no liquidity on the CHF pairs and the EURCHF market fell from the floor of 1.2000 to 0.95-1.00, and then further through 0.85-0.90, and liquidity finally returned at prices between 1.03-1.04, all according to the Electronic Broking Services (EBS).AvaTrade is applying fill levels for all executed tradesorders which occurred between the times of 09:30:00 GMT to 10:50:00, with a EURCHF price of 1.0450. For all other CHF pairs, the execution rate will be calculated and the tradesorders will be adjusted by using the EURCHF price from the above and the relevant 3rd currency price vs EUR at the time8221 AxiTrader . According to reader Paul (thanks) the Australian broker is OK and has released a statement by Chairman and CEO Goran Drapac: 8220Like many firms, some of AxiTraders clients sustained losses greater than the balance of their accounts due to the gap in market pricing. The overall financial impact on AxiTrader has been limited and our regulatory capital and cash resources remain above the regulatory requirements. Customers can be assured that Client Funds remain segregated and business remains as usual8221 BMFN . 8220no client losses and full stability8221. This is what the broker says. 8220Our risk management department managed the whole situation smoothly indeed. Clients uncovered losses were only 200,000 in total, and we will not ask these clients for any reinboursement, and the remainder of our clients had enough margin and had no problems8221. Citibank . 8220lost 150 million8221. The big global bank is also a broker and it suffered losses worth 150 US dollars. This is not really worrying given the sheer size of the institution. City Index . 8220No material impact8221. From the statement: Following this and queries from customers, we would like to take the opportunity to reassure our clients and confirm to the market that City Index has not suffered any material impact as a result of yesterdays volatility and our financial position has not been affected. It is very much business as usual for City Index and our global client base. CMC Markets . 8220Business as usual8221. From their statement. CMC Markets sustained some losses, however, the overall impact including possible bad debts has not materially impacted the Group. The Groups balance sheet post these events remains strong, with a regulatory capital ratio of 24 (300 pre CRD IV) and own funds in excess of 130m. All retail client funds are fully segregated and protected. CMC Markets continues to have a strong balance sheet and business model the Group remains on course to exceed last years financial performance. Its business as usual.8221. Update . Reader Emil (Thanks) added this interesting note about the firm8217s execution: 8220sent a mail about revisiting all CHF trades and make cash adjustment to match what they should have been executed at (my translation, the mail is in Swedish).Turned out that translated to a way worse price and a total loss 13-14 times bigger than with the original close (which was already 3-5 times over my stop loss).Since I had a pending order that may of may not have been triggered and them not adjusting each position but rather removing money directly from the balance its hard to give an exact pip number but at least (assuming the pending order triggered) 1200 pips over the preset SL8221 Darwinex . This broker reports business as usual and links to news about FXCM and IG in their statement. They also sign with 8220Solvently yours8221. Here is what they say about their situation: For our part, yesterday was business as usual. We suffered minimal losses as low-leverage customers were margined out and there was no market-depth for them (and therefore, us) to stop their (therefore, our) losses. Broadly speaking, our low risk policy paid off. Divisa Capital . 8220financially sound8221. The company said to Forex Magnates it has worked hard to improve fill rates: 8220We have been on calls and emails with LPs around the clock seeking improved rates for our PoP clients that traded during the extremely volatile period, other than that we are happy to inform that our matching engines in NY4 and LD4 had record work load but performed as expected throughout the crisis8221. DMM . 8220business as usual8221 and 8220In light of recent events surrounding the Swiss Franc, DMM FX wishes to advise our clients that our operating capital has not been significantly affected. We also wish to reassure that all positive client equity and balances are safe in our Client Moneys Trust Accounts, which are segregated from DMM FX8217s operating funds.8221 Dukascopy . The Swiss based broker says 8220business as usual8221. Statement. 8220The scenario of such shock had been anticipated four months in advance as shown in our news published on 3rd of October 2014: Due to the possibility of a break of the 1.2000 floor in EURCHF which may see significant price gaps and cause negative equity on client accounts, Dukascopy Bank is forced to implement a maximum leverage for EURCHF exposures of 1:10 as of 12 October 20148221. Update: Dukascopy has not adjusted or canceled orders, and also announced the waiver of negative balances . Easy-forex . 8220Reassures Clients On Swiss Franc Fears8221. The Cyprus based broker says: 8220easy-forex was not affected due to its strong risk management systems and our clients are safe due to our guaranteed stop losses and negative balance protection. We wish to reassure clients that at easy-forex its business as usual and we remain committed to client safety through numerous measures including segregated funds and full compliance with our regulatory authorities. With guaranteed stop losses, negative balance protection, no requotes and full support from our expert team our clients are happy and busy trading the trend. In fact, easy-forex was one of the first brokers in the world to resume trading on CHF pairs and has noted positive trading activity on the currency8221. eToro . 8220business as usual8221 and 8220Furthermore, we are back to business as usual with our system fully operational, after a few hours of suspending trading for all CHF crosses yesterday. All deposits, withdrawals and orders are being executed in a fast and orderly manner8221. Excel Markets . This not really globaly known New Zealand based broker had to shut down. It was unable to meet client losses held at its liquidity providers. ETX Capital . 8220financial position is unaffected8221 and 8220The company is experiencing a profitable January following a very solid 2014 and is confident that its systems, controls and policies properly manage the firms position and credit risk8221 EXNESS . 8220business not significantly affected8221. The international forex broker said. 8220At the end of the day, EXNESS total losses amounted to less than 1.6 of the companys capital. We would like to clarify that these losses only affected EXNESS own funds this in no way whatsoever affects clients funds, which are held in special accounts that are separate from the companys funds. However, we have decided to temporarily suspend trading currency pairs with the Swiss franc. This is due to our desire to maintain high-quality order execution and the need to minimize financial risks for our clients and the company8221 FinFX . 8220business not affected substantially8221. There is a comment that says that the broker asked for a repayment of a negative balance. Update: A reader has noted that the broker readjusted trades after January 15th, resulting in substantial losses for the reader. Subsequent attempts to resolve this with the broker were fruitless. Forex Broker Inc . Trading has resumed on CHF pairs. After a temporary freeze on 8220Black Thursday8221, the company announced that trading has been re-enabled on 7 pairs. There is no additional news regarding the company8217s situation. FXCM . Forex Capital Management had this to report: 8220the company may be in breach of some regulatory capital requirements8221 as they were hit by a massive 225 million client negative balance. The publicly listed broker said that is 8220actively discussing alternatives to return our capital to levels prior to the events8221. Update: trading has halted on the New York Stock Exchange after a fall of over 80 in the stock price . Update: FXCM received a 300 million lifeline from Leucadia . The mighty forex broker reported: 8220Under the terms of the agreements, Leucadia is investing 300 million in cash into FXCM in the form of a 300 million senior secured term loan with a two-year maturity and an initial coupon of 10. The term loan obligations are guaranteed, on a secured basis, by certain of FXCM8217s domestic subsidiaries. In addition, Leucadia will receive, in the event of a sale of FXCM or its subsidiaries, a certain percentage of the sale proceeds and, in the event FXCM makes other distributions on account of its equity, a corresponding payment for its own account8221. Update:.FXCM to forgive most clients with negative balances more to follow FXDD . 8220open for business, minimal impact8221. The broker said. 8220As a result of yesterdays decision from the Swiss National Bank to discontinue its minimum exchange rate, causing extraordinary volatility and creating massive gaps where pricing was not available and no execution was possible, as with all entities in the FX Space, FXDD was forced to adjust pricing in the CHF pairs, said Emil Assentato CEO of Currency Mountain Holdings and Chairman of FXDD Global. We apologize for having to take this extraordinary action. This was a global event that created illiquidity in all Swiss related products. All financial institutions have suffered because of this crisis. Despite these extraordinary market conditions, FXDD Globals trading operations remain stable and we remain fully operational and open for business8221 FXOpen . resumed CHF trading. After halting trading on Swiss pairs, the broker resumed trading and said. 8220trading on CHF crosses suspended due to radical market situation. Following SNB decision on interest rate and removal of the 1.20 floor, the Liquidity Providers introduced more rigorous trading terms, including increased margin calls8221. FX Primus . 8220balance sheet remains strong8221. This is what they said to FM: 8220Fortunately the risk management protocol weve had in place since Day 1 of business has held up during this unprecedented event. Our balance sheet remains strong, and while it is disheartening to see other brokers in the industry are now going through some unfortunate times as a result of the SNB intervention, I feel vindicated in choosing to focus our efforts thus far at making FXPRIMUS The Safest Place to Trade. FX Solutions . The broker which is part of the City Index Groupd says that 8220due to the unprecedented volatility in CHF markets, we are widening our spreads8221. FXTM . 8220no major impact8221. Forex Time released this statement: Forex Time can confirm that the unexpected turn of events regarding the Swiss Franc have not had a major impact on the Company. A solid risk management policy is in place to safeguard the Company and its clients against situations of this kind. We would like to assure our clients that our capital adequacy ratio has not been affected any losses incurred have been absorbed and our clients funds remain protected. Any negative balances which have arisen are in the process of being corrected and business will continue as usual. Update: Forex Time has doubled its Cashback Rebate bonus from 2 per lot to 4 for ex-Alpari (UK) clients FxPro . The broker announced the suspension of all CHF trading. No problems were reported. From the firm:FxPro Group announces that negative balances resulting from yesterdays extreme market conditions on CHF crosses have not affected the funds of our clients. All such losses were borne solely by the capital the company places as collateral with its prime broker and liquidity providers, as per our responsibility to protect our clients and comply with regulatory requirements. Our commitment to negative balance protection as outlined in our terms and conditions has been upheld. All negative balances still appearing on the terminals of our clients are in the process of being corrected. While the company has been affected by the events of what is now being called Black Thursday, FxPro remains fully operational and solidly capitalised, as ever. It is business as usual: deposits, withdrawals and the entering of positions continue as on any other trading day. The funds of our clients remain segregated and the protections afforded to them by our true agency model execution, which are now more important than ever, continue to prevail. Gain Capital . (forex) 8220no material adverse financial impact8221. They note that they increased margin requirements on CHF to 5 back in September. Update: they actually say they made a gain on the Swiss move. Leap Rate now reports that Gain is going after clients with a negative balance. Update: Gain now decided NOT to purse negative balances . Gainsy . business as usual, forgiving negative balances at the Saint Vincent amp the Grenadines based broker. GKFX . 8220exploring the possibility of acquiring several brokers8221 and 8220GKFX is in a very strong position to expand its business yet further8221 Global Prime Australia . 8220business as usual8221. They limited leverage on Swiss pairs. GMO Click . 8220minimal losses8221. The Japanese broker says it suffered a loss of around 937K but remains materially solid otherwise. Go Markets . 8220business as usual8221 and 8220The financial impact on GO Markets has been limited and our capital reserves are well in excess of the regulatory requirement. Customers can be assured that their Client Funds are segregated8221. HotForex . 8220Operating as normal8221. From their letter to clients: 8220We would like to reassure you that HotForex is operating as normal, and was not affected in any material way. Our strict Risk Management procedures minimized the impact of this event. Furthermore, we have stayed true to our motto of Honesty, Openness and Transparency. As testament to our commitment to fairness, all negative account balances have been reset to zero and any clients that bought CHF have been paid in8221. HY Markets . 8220financial position unaffected8221 and 8220We8217d like to confirm that our financial position is unaffected following the extreme movement in the price of the Swiss franc on last Thursday, January 15th 2015. We want to reassure all our clients that our systems, controls amp policies properly manage the firm8217s position amp credit risk. We would also stress that all retail client funds continue to be segregated on a daily basis in accordance with FCA rules, and that the Firm continues to hold Regulatory Capital well in excess of the amounts required by the FCA8221 IBFX . 8220no material negative impact8221 8211 see more under TradeStation Group. IC Markets . business as usual. From the statement. 8220although had a few negative balances predominantly due to pricing anomalies from our LPs which we are in the process of adjusting, it is business as usual8221 IG . The group was the first to come out and they announced that they may be facing losses of up to 30 million pounds. Here is a quote from their statement: 8220The precise level of the impact will be partially dependent on the Companys ability to recover client debts, but in total it will not exceed, from market and credit exposure8221. There is a report that IG is now looking to buy forex brokers. IKON group . 8220business as usual8221: Despite this unprecedented market event that resulted in an extraordinary volatility in the financial markets, IKON Group is proud to announce it continues, as always, to demonstrate significant financial strength, stability, unparalleled Risk Management and the most stringent customer protection for the benefit of its clients. ILQ . business as usual, forgiving negative balances. Instaforex . Website working as usual. No news yet. Reached out for a statement. Interaktive Broker. This broker says that several of its customers suffered losses in excess of their deposit with the company: 8220Such debits amount to approximately 120 million, less than 2.5 of our net worth8221. Invast Australia . 8220strong financial position8221 and adds this on adjustments: 8220In our correspondence on Friday, we noted a review would be conducted on all CHF positions for potential adjustments. We have completed our review of all executed orders and no client adjustments are required continued the statement. Clients will also be able to resume trading in CHF pairs via MT4 and cTrader with immediate effect. The minimum margin requirement for the CHF pairs has however been revised and will be set at 2 for all CHF instruments is Invasts conclusion8221 Iron FX . The Cyprus based broker reports 8220business as usual8221. Here is the statement: 8220IronFX Global Limited was not affected by these events due to our strong risk management systems and procedures and we continue complying well with our capital regulatory requirements under all regulatory bodies we have licenses. We would therefore like to inform our clients that we continue conducting our business as usual. Feel free to contact our account managers around the world should you have any questions8221. JFD . 8220only 0.3 of our total client base suffered negative balances8221 and 8220JFDs balance sheet remains very strong with a Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) of 24.5 set well above the minimum required of 88221 LCG . The London Capital Group says it is well capitalized and that the SNBomb had no material impact. It does not expect losses to exceed 1.7 million pounds. LCG operates in various markets and not only forex. LQD Markets . Bankrupt. Forex Magnates reports that the firm is the latest to file for a bankruptcy protection. MahiFX . 8220Business as usual8221 says the broker: 8220Risk management is at the heart of what we do and the machine performed admirably, said David Cooney, MahiFX CEO. Despite market conditions our systems and trading progressed as usual and we look forward to continuing to provide clients with the highest levels of service8221. Full details here . Märkte. 8220business as usual8221. The Cyprus based broker says it actually made profits and 8220this extreme volatility didnt impact the firms strong financial position. Thanks to the companys robust risk management policies, the Company enjoyed a profitable trading day in yesterdays session and didnt have any negative impact from the Swiss Francs extreme volatility8221. MFX Broker . business as usual bonuses: 8220Previously we announced record high pay-outs to our clients who traded successfully on 15 January during the events in Switzerland. Now we are glad to announce that MFX Broker comes to rescue all other clients of other brokerage companies who suffered these events on the European market. Every client will be offered to choose special bonus which MFX Broker is ready to credit from its own funds.8221 MIB . 8220minimal impact8221: and say. 8220Our Forex customers on all of our integrated platforms, including our own MBT Desktop Pro platform, cTrader, and MetaTrader, saw almost no lapses in trading availability. There were definitely fast market conditions in pairs like the USDCHF and EURCHF that caused price gaps for some customer orders, but overall, the impact was immaterial8221 Monex Group . 8220negative balance loss of 1.3 million8221 and also says 8220This client negative balance will have no material negative financial impact on the consolidated performance and the business operations of the Company8221. OANDA. Released a statement about honoring all trade executions and will be issuing withdrawals as normal. They have been suffering losses as liquidity vanished but state: 8220OANDA did not re-quote or amend any CHF cross client trades. We even took the further step of forgiving all negative client balances that were caused when clients could not close out their positions fast enough8221. In addition, the company declined to buy competitors: 8220We actually had conversations with a number of firms that were looking for potential buyers during the course of the day, Oanda CEO Ed Eger said in a telephone interview with Bloomberg today. We ultimately decided not to do any of that. OctaFX . 8220no charges inflicted on clients8221 and 8220fully reliable and solvent8221. Here is more: 8220OctaFX demonstrated its high reliability: being devoted to our clients, we didnt inflict any changes upon CHF cross clients trades. However, following the usual company policy we restored all negative client balances that occurred due to the fact that clients were unprepared to these rapid changes8230 OctaFX remains fully reliable and solvent despite the recent events. All the trades are performed according to the operational company standards. We are proud to confirm our stability and integrity8221 OFM . the events would only 8220serve to reinforce the perception of the companys integrity and strength8221 says director of trading Andrew Henderson. One Financial Markets . 8220unaffected8221. The London based broker said: 8220The statements from Alpari and others over the last twenty four hours will enhance our position in the industry as one of the most secure FCA regulated brokers. We take a responsible and professional approach to Risk Management throughout our business and clients can be confident they are dealing with a financially sound company, despite the devastation that others have experienced. It is very much business as usual at One Financial Markets8221. Orbex . 8220full capacity8221. Here is the statement: 8220We would like to take this opportunity to assure you that despite the extreme volatility the markets have experienced over the past few days, which has cast its shadow over many forex brokers, we are still proudly serving our clients at full capacity and our operations have not been negatively affected.8221. More here . Pepperstone . 8220business as usual8221 8211 They state that they hold capital 8220well in excess of our ASIC regulatory requirements8221. It may even emerge larger: Pepperstone may buy Alpari UK. These reports never materialized. Plus500 . 8220no material impact8217. The broker also said that it was in fact profitable for the day, thanks to the robustness of its risk management policies. Saxo Bank . They say that they will revisit Swiss franc trades and that 8220clients may suffer8221. All executed fills will be revisited, ammended and this may result in a 8220worse execution rate than the originally filled level8221. Saxo is going after negative balances. Beware . Sensus Capital Markets . 8220not strongly affected8221 and 8220There were minimal losses, but the capital buffer was adequate to absorb those. Sensus remains a strong player in the industry and will continue to service you with our high standards as always8221. Sunbird FX . Website working as usual. Reached out for a statement. Swissquote . They set aside 25 million CHF due to Swiss Franc volatility. Here is more. Being a Swiss bank, Swissquote retains a solid capital buffer, as the company stated that even after the provision its core Tier 1 capital ratio amounts to 17. Update: the company activated the provision of 25 million francs. ThinkForex . 8220business as usual8221 but CHF trading remains at 8220close only8221. The Australian broker says. 8220We continue to hold capital well in excess of all ASIC regulatory requirements, and confirm that trading on all CHF markets is currently 8220close only8221. Clients with existing open positions are free to hold these positions, and can close them at their convenience. As markets return to normal, we expect trading on CHF markets to resume again. We will keep clients notified in due course8221 TradeStation Group . 8220no material negative impact8221. The Tokyo traded company said: 8220Swiss central banks decision announced yesterday to abolish its three-year-old policy of capping the Swiss franc against the euro has had no material negative impact on the financial condition of its IBFXTradeStation Forex or IBFX Australia Pty Ltd operating subsidiaries, or any of its other operating subsidiaries, including TradeStation Securities, Inc. or TradeStation Europe Limited8221 TradeView . 8220business as usual8221: The broker than has many clients in Latin America says 8220We are proud to say we were able to calmly navigate the rough waters during yesterdays Swiss storm8221 Rubix FX . 8220Business as usual8221 and no negative impact 8211 Rubix FX has taken additional risk measures as a consequence of the events of the Swiss National Bank removing the currency floor by reducing leverage and increasing margin requirements on specific currency pairs including CHF, other politically influenced and pegged currencies. UFX . business as usual, forgiving negative accounts. Varengold Bank . 8220continues operations undeterred8221. The German broker said. 8220Varengold Bank AG would like to confirm that the extreme volatility experienced yesterday in the currency markets did not affect the financial stability of the bank or its clients. The combination of being a German regulated bank with a conservative risk management policy has paid off and Varengold continues to have a strong balance sheet and business ethics8221. Windsor Brokers . Business as normal. and: 8220We have reassured clients and business partners that trading operations were not affected and that we continued to conduct business as normal. Our risk management policies have helped us resist tough market conditions and solidify our processes over our 26 years of experience in the financial markets. Moreover, our capital adequacy ratio is currently five times the minimum required as per EU regulations, one of the highest ratios in the FX industry.8221 XM . business as usual. Here is what they told us: 8220the overall effect on the company8217s business is immaterial. We remain financially strong, well capitalised, at levels well in excess of global regulatory requirements8221 XTB . 8220unaffected8221. The UK broker also explains why they were not hurt and calls the SNB 8220callous8221 and 8220irresponsible8221. Here8217s part of what they said. 8220Im happy to say that at XTB weve not been affected. In fact, it has been business as usual for us. Some have called us lucky but 2 months ago our trading team made the decision to reduce our leverage limit on CHF pairs to 1:50 (2), so our exposure to the movement has been effectively risk managed. Thats not luck. Looking at Excel and Alpari, who advertised 1:400 and 1:500 leverage on their FX pairs respectively, you can see why such a dramatic movement has caused so much damage8221 For more news about the forex industry, please check out Forex Magnates (specifically this page ) and Leap Rate (which also reported that Skrill is suspending payouts to some forex brokers). You can see headlines from both sites on our Forex Tools page . Here is our full coverage of the shock SNB decision In our latest podcast we analyze the SNBomb, do an ECB Preview, discuss US wages, dive into Saudi costs and the look at the Aussie Regarding 7 CMC Markets also (like Saxo), i. e. sent a mail about revisiting all CHF trades and make 8220cash adjustment to match what they should have been executed at8221 (my translation, the mail is in swedish). Turned out that translated to a way worse price and a total loss 13-14 times bigger than with the original close (which was already 3-5 times over my stop loss). Since I had a pending order that may of may not have been triggered and them not adjusting each position but rather removing money directly from the balance it8217s hard to give an exact pip number but at least (assuming the pending order triggered) 1200 pips over the preset SL. Just thought it might put some perspective on their Business as usual statement. Thanks Emil, that8217s quite a loss. I8217m adding your comment to the list. Hi Emil, I have the same situation with cmc 8220business as usual8221. Just to add, that email was sent after 10 hours. During all day they allowed further trading and there were no restrictions to access the account. What are your actions after this Did you claim Hello Marius So far I haven8217t done anything besides reading different threads (mostly on FF) trying to grasp the situation a little better. If I remember correctly it is stated that they reserve the right to alter executions that happened outside the actual price (or something like that) and I have absolutely no clue how to prove they could have made me a better stop (I8217m not even sure they could have, from what I8217ve read it seems pretty random if stops where respected or not). So while it truly stinks getting stops screwed this way, I8217m not sure I can claim anything:-( If you have any ideas let me know I claimed this 8220adjustment8221 according to their rules. I just want to clear up the situation. I have records from my account with other broker, who closed my positions some seconds later than cmc (in the morning)at price 150 points from the same stop loss level, not 1950 what I calculated after account 8220adjustment8221 with cmc. Not so much hope but any way waiting for their answers8230 Hi Marius and Emil, I am in the same situation, and I plan to lodge a complaint with the FCA. The adjustment came 9 hours after and i assumed for the whole day that my positions were closed at my stop loss price. Could you update if you hear anything from them thanks. hello Marius and other, if you were penalised by cmc why do not we group ourselves together Hi Emil and all others, I am a victim of CMC Markets price adjustment notification. Obviously I find this tottaly unacceptable, unreasonable and unfair treatment. Please reply to this post in case you have become the subject of the same treatment. And as far as I know, CMC Markets treat all trades related to chf in the same way. It would be very helpful if we can stand up collectivelly. If you also think that this may be helpful, please contact me at this email: cmcmarketseurchfripoffgmail . John I am also a victim of CMC Markets. They activated my SL at abt 200 pips then hours later made a 2000 pips revision. I would like to join the group to take an reasonable action. Al Fight CMC Markets It is time for all CMC Customers to get in touch with Peter the 90 owner of Cmc who will be worth billions. Tell him what you think of your price adjustment after Cmc have advertised no re-quotes peter. cruddascmcmarkets As owner he needs to answer to all clients Regarding 3, AvaTrade to did similar to (at least) Saxo and CMC and adjusted the trades. Didnt suffer on this one but here is the letter they sent out Dear Client, As you probably know, the Swiss National Bank removed the floor of 1.20 on the EURCHF yesterday at 9:30 GMT. Following the announcement, there was no liquidity on the CHF pairs and the EURCHF market fell from the floor of 1.2000 to 0.95-1.00, and then further through 0.85-0.90, and liquidity finally returned at prices between 1.03-1.04, all according to the Electronic Broking Services (EBS) . AvaTrade is applying fill levels for all executed tradesorders which occurred between the times of 09:30:00 GMT to 10:50:00, with a EURCHF price of 1.0450. For all other CHF pairs, the execution rate will be calculated and the tradesorders will be adjusted by using the EURCHF price from the above and the relevant 3rd currency price vs EUR at the time. AvaTrade is pleased to confirm that yesterdays SNB statement and Swiss Franc volatility had no material effect on the companys strong financial position. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our customer care team. German DAB bank stopped providing prices and executing orders shortly after the announcement. Only 20 minutes later their platform resumed. Stop orders were subsequently shown as having been executed at under 1,0000 eurchf, a slippage of over 2000 points. I received a call from the bank telling me that the bank seeks to recover the 80.000 euro loss on my account8230, 18 times the amount of my stop loss8230 I will fight this, if necessary in court. According to the their contractual obligations, they are to provide prices on the basis of the relevant market. The inter bank market was working and it took 10 minutes for price to go down to 1,00000. On the way down price went down and up and down8230. There was hence liquidity. The bank had an obligation to protect its customers and be prepared to execute stop loss orders at market levels. The fact that their own liquidity providers did not provide them with liquidity is the banks risk which they should have managed better through hedging. German DAB bank stopped providing prices and executing orders shortly after the announcement. Only 20 minutes later their platform resumed. Stop orders were subsequently shown as having been executed at under 1,0000 eurchf, a slippage of over 2000 points. I received a call from the bank telling me that the bank seeks to recover the 80.000 euro loss on my account8230, 18 times the amount of my stop loss8230 Thanks for the information John. I hope you recover quickly. That kind of pricing is quite extraordinary8230 I had similar case with Saxo. I had stop loss at 1.197. They executed it at 10:30:48 with 1.1966. That is fine, this is what I expected them to do. However next morning they arbitrarily changed price to 0.9625 and removed serious amount of money from my account. I think it is like a free robbery. I know that they have a fuzzy sentence in their General Terms about changing issued prices back in time in special cases. In the future I will not deal with brokers who have similart sentence, unless they let me do the same, revise my trades after 12hrs However in this case it is not really applicable. You can hardly say that 10:30:48 the market was in a special state, can you. I8217m sure at this moment there were liquidity and the price just started to change. Otherwise they would close it at a much different price. Or much later in lack of liquidity. They close that position at that time and at that price because the actual market information justified it for their trading algorithm. The problems started later Their statement sounds like if the price was 0.9625 in the whole time period of 10:30:00 and 10:41:30. Obvious nonsense. I think in the reality this is what goes on with Saxo and many other brokers : They act as Market Maker. No real transparency, they trade between their liquidity partners8217 prices and their customers positions. That makes them profit normally above the spread. In fast changeing markets their trading algorithm may fail and generate losses. This time the change was so big that they cannot cover the loss of their trading algorithm with their 8 margin requirement for CHF. And now they try to push their unexpected losses to those customers who have some money left after a responsible stop-loss execution. Saying in an other way, they put the losses of their trading strategy on you instead of consolidate it with the profit they do during normal periods. The tool is overwrite the past What you guys think Thanks for sharing Enco. This is certainly annoying. They are not the only broker to do so, but such a move is no fun. You should join us by sending your email to Admin: we have a group of people against Saxo. saxobankcug. freeforums 6.12 It is possible that errors may occur in the prices of transactions quoted by Saxo Bank. In such circumstances, without prejudice to any rights it may have under Danish law, Saxo Bank shall not be bound by any Contract which purports to have been made (whether or not confirmed by Saxo Bank) at a price which: i Saxo Bank is able to substantiate to the Client was manifestly incorrect at the time of the transaction or ii was, or ought to have reasonably been known by the Client to be incorrect at the time of the transaction. In which case Saxo Bank reserves the right to either 1) cancel the trade all together or 2) correct the erroneous price at which the trade was done to either the price at which Saxo Bank hedged the trade or alternatively to the historic correct market price. 16.5. In order for Saxo Bank to quote prices with the swiftness normally associated with speculative trading, Saxo Bank may have to rely on available price or availability information that may later prove to be faulty due to specific market circumstances, for instance, but not limited to, lack of liquidity in or suspension of an asset or errors in feeds from information providers or quotes from Counterparties. If so and if Saxo Bank has acted in good faith when providing the price to the Client, Saxo Bank may cancel the trade with the Client but shall do so within reasonable time and shall provide the Client with a full explanation for the reason for such cancellation. Saxos General Terms (saxobankdocumentsbusiness-terms-and-policiesgeneralbusinesstermseng. pdf ) talks about backward changes in points 6.12 (Dealings. ) and 16.5 (Market Making). These points raise several problems in general, especially with Market Making activity, where the price is set buy Saxo at his will. In this case they cannot say they got errored prices at all. In this position they declare a price which is their decision and cannot be considered error. They always have the possibility to quote different price or make no quotetrade. All this process is their trading strategy or algorithm after which they are responsible. But to make point 6.12 and 16.5 applicable I think first they have to prove us that during the questioned period the real sell price was 0.9625 or worse, or they cannot get sell offer from their liquidity partners. To prove this they need to show us credible statement from all of their liquidity partners that they gave no sell offer to Saxo or gave worse than 0.9625 during this period. It is obviously not possible if liquidity partners are honest. And in general a fixed price cannot be applied for the whole time period. Clearly these prices and time period are not coming from the market, but they calculated as an aftermath to hedge the losses of their trading machine. Point 6.12I requires this explicitly, and off course 6.12ii is not applicable. Point 16.5 mentions only cancelling a trade within reasonable time and with full explanation. So this point as again not applicable because they changed the price and not cancel the trade. And response time was not reasonable and I got no full explanation. The first thing I observed about it was around next morning 8am when my account was changed. And I got short email notification only 3 hrs later. I would not call this reasonable time. What we can do Of course you can always start legal action, but it will be lengthy and maybe pricey. Maybe besides that we can also turn to the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (en. wikipedia. orgwikiFinancialSupervisoryAuthority(Denmark) ) and ask if Saxos behaviour is compatible with the Danish financial rules, policies and goodwill. Namely 8211 To change executed trades prices after 12 hrs of execution. One sided, no notice. 8211 To declare fixed market price for a 10 min time period. 8211 Practically to hedge the losses of their trading algorithm with a group of clients accounts whose account was not nulled due to responsible stop-loss stings. We can also raise similar questions to local financial authorities as well. More people raise these questions, more publicity than more pressure on Saxo to withdraw their sick decision and abuse their business power over individual clients. Gregor, we posted simultaneuosly. See my post while I think these points are not really applicable in the current crash, especially if you had a properly executed stop-loss early enough. I think point 6.12 is applicable only in case when they are not working as a Market Maker, but just as an Angent selling exchange traded funds. In this case it can happen in theory that they receive wrong data from and external source due to the failure of the external source. But it is not very likely today when all these suffs are computerised. A heard some cases but those were coupled with after or before hours trading. Point 16.5 is a complete BS, sad that I never spotted it before. As MM they cannot refer to external errors and they are responsible for their decesions. They cannot change it backwards in time based on information collected later in time, after which they have already influneced their clients and possible the market. No any business can do that. If they can do it, than it is not business anymore but free robbery and abuse of market power. Please I haven8217t heard anything from my broker. Finexo. Anybody or comments will be helpful. Pay attention to Alpari. ru 8230 Some minutes after SNB news, on their ECN-accounts, EURCHF rate spiked to 1.33, and after 1 second was back to the parity. This flash move triggered 8220stop outs8221 on short positions, turning many winning trades into loosing trades and negative balances. Cmc Markets AVOID them had this for my 1.1995 level stop which should have been 50 loss in total. My position was executed out at 1.1898 for just over 300 loss and then they emailed with a further price adjustment 10 hours later Actions taken by the Swiss National Bank on 15 January 2015 in removing the euro peg, alongside the benchmark interest rate cut, created severe dislocation in the underlying foreign exchange market between 09:30 and 10:02 GMT10:30 and 11:02 CET. This resulted in little or no liquidity in the affected Swiss currency pairs, with several liquidity providers upon whom we place reliance to generate the Prices on our Platform ceasing to provide any prices during this time. These events gave rise to Circumstances Outside Our Control which impaired the ability of our Platform to quote correct Prices, resulting in Orders continuing to be accepted at incorrect Prices for the affected Swiss currency pairs. Given the circumstances we determined it fair and reasonable to take a Reserved Action by varying the Prices at which the affected trades were accepted on our Platform to reflect the correct Prices in accordance with the terms of the Disclosure Document, including but not limited to sections 11.5 (Reserved Actions) and 11.7 (Circumstances Outside Our Control). This variation in Price was applied to all affected Accounts as a cash adjustment which can be viewed in your Account history. The first available sell price applicable to your EURCHF was 1.00684 and accordingly a trade adjustment of NZ -5,217 has been made to your Account which reflects the difference between the incorrect price at which our platform initially executed the trade and the correct price of 1.00684. Cmc have no morality being a market maker and I will complain to financial authorities here with how they can show an executed stop price then adjust with no details till I complained What did CMC answer you, after you complained They replied that their adjustment stands amp a note to say that if i8217m not happy i can complain to Financial Services Complaints here in New Zealand which i will do. No details of when 8220their executed trades took place8221 which i view as extremely problematic. Application of Disclosure Document to the events above on your account The justifications for the adjustments that we have made to your Account are set out in the DD, which forms part of the agreement between you and us in relation to all Trades. The relevant sections include: Section 2.20 (Errors) Section 4.2 (How the Platform handles different types of Orders) Section 4.3 (Prices generated by the Platform) Section 10.2 (Gapping) Section 11.5 (Reserved Actions) and Section 11.7 (Circumstances Outside Our Control). As noted in section 11.7 of the DD, a Circumstance Outside Our Control is a circumstance that is beyond our reasonable control such as: an event or circumstance on any financial market that impairs the ability of the Platform to operate on a normal and orderly basis, including the ability to generate or quote correct prices (11.7(b)) acts by third party financial institutions with whom we deal, which make us unable to Hedge our price risk relating to Trades (11.7(c)) and failures or disruptions in the systems of third parties casing us to receive incorrect or no relevant data (11.7(d)). In this case, the actions of Swiss National Bank and the resulting effect on markets fall within the scope of each of the above circumstances in that they affected our ability to generate correct pricing as a result of a lack of pricing in the underlying market together with unreliable and sporadic pricing by third party liquidity and pricing providers. Following a Circumstance Outside Our Control, upon the resumption of correct pricing, section 11.7(m) of the PDS provides that the value of any Trade be recalculated in accordance with the relevant Price as at the time we are able to resume normal and orderly operation of the Platform, which includes the ability to quote correct Prices. This is also in-line with our Order Execution Policy that states that Orders are executed at the first available price (buy or sell). In addition, section 2.20 states that where an Order is handled incorrectly, including execution at an incorrect price or contrary to underlying market conditions, we may take various measures to correct such error. Section 11.7 and section 2.20 set out the Reserved Actions that we are able to take upon the occurrence of a Circumstance Outside Our Control or the occurrence of an Error. In particular, section 11.5(d) provides that Prices in respect of relevant Trades may be varied. We note that the risk of gapping, and the risk of an Order not being executed at the expected Price is outlined in several places in the DD, including sections 10.2, 4.3 and 4.2. Conclusion In accordance with the above information we view the actions and adjustments taken with respect to your Account as correct. If you are dissatisfied with our response to your complaint you are entitled to refer your complaint to the Financial Services Complaints Limited. Please see our Complaints Procedure for details of the complaints handling process. Hey Gino and AI. I suggest all connecting and doing a legal action together Here is a website, created to gather and unite against CMC Markets: Thanks so much for creating this website I will contact all the other traders who has negative balance from CMC Markets as result of their unfair trading adjustment on EURCHF It is really unfair what CMC did I dont trust any these trading brokers For those who suffered a loss on EURCHF due to an unfair 8220trading adjustment8221 by CMC Markets, we are many and uniting to escalate this issue to the financial services regulators in different countries. We have strong evidence that the adjustment was unfair, and CMC Markets advertisement of 8220100 fully automated trading and no re-quotes8221 is misleading. I have a negative balance with ETX but remain in the dark about whether they will be forgoing it or seeking to recover. Not received any response since last week. what exact time (including sec) did they execute your stop order There should be a log entry about it. 10:31:15 at 1.09702 (margin call) all my stops which had been set at 1.1995 got triggered at 22:30:51 NZ time at a price of 1.1898 which was already a massive slip but not the colossal slip they adjusted to of 1.0684 Disgusting given the main guy of cmc owner peter cruddas is the major shareholder amp is basically milking huge amounts of money each year from it. goldman sachs has 10 shareholding. So he misses out on part of his 100millions profit share as a result of this. Cmc have said they lost only 10mil if all bad debts. All just about the money 8211 you have to be extremely careful how your brokers deal with - ve. In this case cmc dont necessarily take full hedging positions in the markets being market makers amp net out longs amp shorts by clients. They say clients don8217t share or own the underlying asset in their disclosure docs. So why even adjust the price They are not ECNs which had full positions in the market Global Prime from Australia is okay as can be seen on this post Update: CitiFx Pro honours executed stop loss orders (all between 1.2000 and 1.1990) executed at prices above 1.1990 and agress to facilitate withdrawal. Haven8217t heard of an broad amendment by them but the stop loss order level confirmation seems to be validated on a case by case basis. Do you have more info about CitiFx execution after SNB removed the floor I had a bad execution from a major swiss bank after SNB. I was long EURCHF, SL 1.1985 and the execution was 1.0355. CMC did a trading adjustment that left my account with a negative balance of almost 300K. Any other traders left with negative balance at CMC after the trading adjustment We can do a 8220class action8221 against CMC, if they do not bring the balances back to zero. I think that is a great idea Gino 8211 think we have to put up a Facebook page to set this one up. I am sure heaps of traders are fuming with cmc markets on this one GFT UK (part of Gain Capital) are already asking clients to pay back negative balances. All an e-petition asking the Treasury to instruct FCA to investigate spread betting firms for failure on best execution has been launched by some guys. can everyone please 8211 1) sign it -2.) check your spam holder (they send an email and you have to click on the link to confirm your signature) -3) forward it to everyone 8212 tweet, facebook, email, whatever. all the forums and blogs you are on. note that this is a generic request, not just related to IG, so ANYONE who is a UK citizen can sign it that means CMC, Saxo, any and everybody. note that your personal details will NOT be revealed. its a VERY EASY WAY to try and make an impact. But don8217t forget to write your MP and the FCA as well if you have been affected. For those that have been affected and believe their should have been more client protection from broker inefficiencies8230.. Can you please make sure that you sign this petition. Its from an organization called Change. Org. For every one that signs this petition, it will send an email to 1) the head of Supervision at the FCA 2) the head of the UK Treasury Select Comittee 3) the UK Treasury Department .

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